Qiang Chang
Position title: Professor, Departments of Medical Genetics and Neurology
Email: qchang@waisman.wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 262-9416
Medical Genetics
Ph.D. in Neurosciences, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Postdoctoral in Neural Regeneration, Children’s Hospital of Boston/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Postdoctoral in Neurological Diseases, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA, USA
Research Key Words:
Epigenetic Regulation of Brain Functions, Brain Development, Brain Diseases
Diversity Statement:
I have devoted significant energy to increasing diversity in the biomedical work force. In my role as the director of the Waisman IDDRC, I co–chair the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) workgroup of the national IDDRC network. In my role as the director of Waisman Center, I have made multiple hiring decisions to recruit racial and ethnic minority people to work at our center at different levels; organized center–wide evidence– based anti–bias training; and obtained significant resources (both public funding and private donations) to support a wide range of DEI initiatives. One such initiative is to fund 2 summer research internship positions at the Waisman Center designated for undergraduate students from racial and ethnic minority groups. Collectively, these efforts promote and sustain an inclusive and supportive scientific environment in my laboratory and across our center.