Contact Information for the NTP Office
Email: Phone Number: Address: 608-262-4932 9533 WIMR II
______________________________________1111 Highland Ave.
______________________________________Madison, WI 53705
Directions to the Office
The NTP Office is located in the Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research Center Tower (WIMR II) rooms 9531 and 9533 at 1111 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI 53705.
Directions to Program Office in WIMR II:
- Enter through main door on 1111 Highland Ave.
- Head straight to the elevator bank and take the elevator to the 9th floor.
- On the 9th floor walk to the left and take the hallway to the right and walk until you get to rooms 9531 and 9533 (on the right).
University of Wisconsin-Madison Map: Click here.