Electives & Stats

The following courses have been accepted and pre-approved by the Neuroscience Training Program to fulfill the electives and statistics requirements. Please note that course offerings are at the discretion of the instructors who reserve the right to not offer the course if they so desire. Courses may not be offered every semester.

If you have any questions regarding NTP requirements, please review the Student Handbook or contact the office at ntp@mailplus.wisc.edu.

In addition to completing the core Neuroscience sequences, students in the Neuroscience Training Program must take two elective courses, one from each category: Cellular/Molecular/Developmental and Systems/Behavior.

Course Credits Instructor(s)
BIOCHEM/ZOOLOGY 630: Cellular Signal Transduction Mechanisms 3 Thomas Martin, Emery Brensnick, Scott Coyle
BIOCHEM/CHEM 665: Biophysical Chemistry 4 Silvia Cavagnero
BME/MEDPHYS/PHYSICS 619: Microscopy of Life 3 Kevin Eliceiri
GENETICS 885: Advanced Genomic and Proteomic Analysis 3 Audrey Gasch, Nicole Perna
NTP/NEURO 629: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms in Memory 3 Roopra, Erik Dent, Tim Gomez
*NTP/NEURO 640: Computational Neuroscience 3 Larissa Albantakis, Matthew Banks, Meyer Jackson
NTP 670: Stem Cells and the Central Nervous System 3 Darcie Moore, Xinyu Zhao
NTP 735: Neurobiology of Disease 2 Corinna Burger, Marcelo Vargas
NTP 765: Developmental Neuroscience 3 Mary Halloran, Tim Gomez
OPHTHALM 750: Ocular Diseases of the Mammalian Vision System 3 Mrinalini Hoon, Colleen McDowell
PATH 751: Biology of Aging 2-3 Rozalyn Anderson
PHMCOLM 781: Molecular and Cellular Principles in Pharmacology 4 Aaron LeBeau, Joe Gallant
ZOOLOGY 604: Computer-based Gene and Disease/Disorder Research Lab 2 Stephen Gammie
*NTP 640 can count for either the cell/mol/dev or sys/behav mid-level requirement but not both.

In addition to completing the core Neuroscience sequences, students in the Neuroscience Training Program must take two elective courses, one from each category: Cellular/Molecular/Developmental and Systems/Behavior.

Course Credits Instructor(s)
COMPSCI/ECE 533: Image Processing 3 Bill Sethares
COMPSCI/BMI/PSYCH 841: Computational Cognitive Science 3 Joe Austerweil
CS&D 850: Hearing Science I: Basic Acoustics and Psychoacoustics 3 Viji Easwar
KINES 713: Neural Basis of Normal and Pathological Movement 3 Peter van Kan
KINES 721: Neural Basis for Movement 3 Peter van Kan
KINES 861: Principles of Motor Control and Learning 3 Andrea Mason
NTP/ZOOLOGY 620: Neuroethology 2 Lisa Nashold
NTP/NEURO 630: Neuronal Mechanisms for Sensation and Memory in Cerebral Cortex 3 Matthew Banks, Peter Lipton
NTP/PHARM 632: Neuroscience of Psychedelics 3 Matthew Banks
*NTP/NEURO 640: Computational Neuroscience 3 Larissa Albantakis, Matthew Banks, Meyer Jackson
NTP/MEDPHYS 651: Methods for Neuroimaging Research 3 Rasmus Birn, Doug Dean
NTP 666: Neuroscience of Consciousness and its Disorders 3 Melanie Boly, Giulio Tononi
**NTP 675: ST Brain Mapping in Health and Disease: Applications 3 Barbara Bendlin, Ozioma Okonkwo
**NTP 675: ST Mol Mechanisms of Brain Damage 1-3 Mary Halloran
**NTP 675: ST Neurobiology of Sleep 1-3 Various
NTP 677: Basic Sleep Mechanisms and Sleep Disorders 3 Chiara Cirelli, David Plante
**PSYCH 711: ST Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention and Memory 2-3 Various
**PSYCH 711: ST Essentials of Cognitive Neuroscience 2-3 Various
**PSYCH 711: ST Introduction to Neural Network Modeling of Cognition 2-3 Tim Rogers
PSYCH 918: Socioemotional Development 1-3 Randall Goldsmith
PSYCH 720: Essentials of Cognitive Neuroscience 3 Brad Postle
PSYCH 954: Neuropharmacology 2-3 Craig Berridge
*NTP 640 can count for either the cell/mol/dev or sys/behav elective requirement but not both.

**This is a “Special Topics” course and only the special topic title listed here is approved to fulfill the elective requirement.

In addition to completing the core Neuroscience sequences, students in the Neuroscience Training Program must demonstrate competency in statistics.

Course Credits Instructor(s)
AN SCI 865: Design and Analysis of Biological Studies
4 Francisco Peñagaricano
BMI/STAT 541: Introduction to Biostatistics 3 Yeonhee Park, Sam Nycklemoe
BMI 641: Statistical Methods for Clinical Trials 3 Thomas Cook, Jiren Sun
BMI 826: Special Topics in Biostats & Biomed Informatics 3 Various
BMI/STAT 877: Statistical Methods for Molecular Biology 3 Christina Kendziorski
PSYCH 610: Design & Analysis of Psychological Experiments I 3-4 Markus Brauer
PSYCH 710: Design & Analysis of Psychological Experiments II 3-4 Robert Hawkins
STAT 571: Statistical Methods for Bioscience I 4 Cecile Ane
STAT 572: Statistical Methods for Bioscience II 4 Brian Powers