Campus Resources

There are a plethora of campus and community resources that can help you throughout your graduate career and time in Madison. We will list a few below but feel free to contact the office about any additional resources you might be looking for!

Employee Assistance Office

Ombuds Office is a safe place where UW-Madison employees can seek guidance regarding workplace concerns at any time, without fear of reprisal, and at no cost to them.

Healthy Minds Program App is a meditation app from the Center for Health Minds.

Let’s Yoga has online videos available for you to do in the comfort of your own space.

RecSports has many programs and facilities on campus.

University Health Services (UHS) provides many free and low-cost services to students, including mental health counseling and psychiatry.

Campus Area Housing

Tenant Resource Center

University Apartments

There are also a number of apartment websites, many specific to Madison, that aren’t associated with the University.
