The Neuroscience Training Program is a graduate program and therefore only awards a doctoral degree in Neuroscience. Undergraduates interested in studying neuroscience should contact the Neurobiology Major Advisors, their contact information and more information on the major can be found here.
Undergraduate Research with NTP
If you would like to work with an NTP faculty member to enroll for research credits, please follow these steps:
- Look at our Faculty Trainers page
- E-mail a professor you are interested in working with to see if they are willing to take students
- If they are willing to let you do research in their lab for NTP 699:
- Forward the NTP Office an e-mail from the professor clearly giving you permission to take NTP 699 with them and
- Send the NTP Office the last four digits of your student ID number
For specific questions about NTP 699 please contact the NTP at
Graduate School Resources
If you are interested in attending graduate school to specialize in neuroscience at UW-Madison please check out these helpful resources:
UW-Madison Graduate School
UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health
UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine
Get Involved
For more information about the Undergraduate Neuroscience Society on campus check out their Facebook and Win pages!
People Program
NTP hosts a neurobiology unit for the PEOPLE Summer Program. PEOPLE Program students complete a 2-week residential program on the UW-Madison campus that includes writing skills development; daytime workshops in the biological sciences, physical sciences, engineering, biomedical research and health sciences; and an evening curriculum in the fine and performance arts. The Neuroscience Training Program graduate students teach the two-week neurobiology course for PEOPLE students.
For more information on the program, eligibility, and how to apply, visit the PEOPLE Program page.
Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP)
NTP participates in the Summer Research Opportunities Program, offered by UW, to undergraduate students. These are unique opportunities for undergraduates to work closely with faculty mentors and graduate students in their major discipline.
For more information on the program and its opportunities, visit the SROP page.
Wisconsin Institute for Science Education and Community Engagement (WISCIENCE)
WISCIENCE at the University of Wisconsin-Madison offers numerous resources to undergraduate students interested in research careers in the biological sciences, including STEM support, courses, research opportunities, and professional development. NTP partners with one of the neurobiology study programs, in which participants work full-time with NTP faculty and researchers in state-of-the-art research facilities.
For more information on the program, visit the WISCIENCE page.